In this generation of fast-phased, wifi-dependent, hypercritical world....not to mention the pandemic that have brought a new reality to everyone around the globe... pressure, anxiety, stress and lack of self-esteem are prominent nowadays.
"According to the study by American Psychological Association, Stress in America -January 2011,Vol 42,No.1
Self-care isn’t a priority. Only 40 percent of Americans rate their health as very good or excellent. They also know they’re not doing a good job taking care of themselves.
Lack of willpower is a problem. Americans cite lack of willpower as the biggest barrier to adopting healthier behavior. But 70 percent believe that willpower is something they can learn or improve — if only they had more money, energy or confidence in their ability to change."
People don't realize how important a strong and healthy mind can impact one's life or level of stress. Here in Gemineye Cosmetics, we tackle about importance of "SELF-CARE and building CONFIDENCE" from within. "
"We believe in natural beauty that does not need to be transformed or morphed into a new face".
Our goal and mission is for our customers is to be able to feel that they are finding time for themselves by making it a priority and to understand and practice self-care. Our products are designed with the mix of simplicity, elegance, sophistication and a dust of glitter for the objective of creating a boost of confidence to all it serves across any generation.
We believe that lashes and diamonds are girl’s best friend...so it must be treated as such.
For any lash lover, they can’t simply live without it. In fact, a person might not wear diamonds on a daily basis, but a lash lover will.
But you don’t have to be a lash addict to own one, you simply need to appreciate how it can change the way you feel after successfully applying it. Eyes are windows to our soul they say. Various psychology studies has proven that our eyes are part of our face that people look and find attractive together with our lips.
Our founder was a huge fan of false eyelashes but not for anything else, it is mainly because of her insecurity with her eye size. She tried different brands and styles. It was so important to her that she finds herself having tons of eyelash paper boxes around her. She felt that the lashes are not stored the way she wanted it to be stored.
Besides, if you treat lashes as diamonds, where do you intend to keep your diamonds?
We believe that it is important to make a good impression.
When our company was conceptualized, its back story began when the founder’s core belief is that every time you present yourself to the world, you are introducing yourself like a walking resume. She believes that a small effort to make a good impression goes a long way. She also believes that whatever a person will make them feel confident will definitely impact one’s personality and possibly how that person will see other people due to the confidence its got from a simple make-up or cosmetics he/she/they use thus giving less insecurities. This is where the company derive one of it's slogan, "Make each stare count" attributing in making an effort to make ourselves look and feel great to create a long-lasting impression.
We believe it is important to follow trends but we will keep it classy.
While there are so many trends in the industry of make-up or cosmetics world today, we believe that nothing will ever revamp a timeless and classic look. We will keep on innovating and creating up-to-date products that remains to be stylishly chic and elegant looking.
We believe that purchased products are gift to one-self.
We extremely believe in hard work and effort. We also believe that money does not come easily to 99% of world population (unless you are one of the born rich & famous). We understand every mental, physical and emotional aspect of hard earned money. Here in our company, we believe that whatever you decide to purchase is indeed a gift to all your hard work and should be beneficial.
That is why we package your items the way one would be gifted. A well-thought packaging of our products etc., together with safe shipping is crucial for us.
We believe in diversity and equality.
After the company was conceptualized, the next phase that was carefully planned out was it core values. In Gemineye Cosmetics, we believe that each individual is unique and beautiful. We view all people coming from different races, religion or gender as equals. We will continue to show diversity in our company and all it’s affiliated platforms as way of expressing these beliefs. We won’t tolerate bullying or racism in all kind of sorts.

It took about seven days before the name Gemineye Cosmetics was finalized. According to the founder, from the day she decided to take a courageous leap to start a business she can't sleep and has been having restless nights to what the name of her company should be. Every time she thinks of a name that might be the one, when she looks it up to the internet its either taken or she feels the name is forced, inauthentic and doesn't feel right. She expressed that she must have the three (3) key points in naming her brand. One, it must be universal which she elaborated the name must totally familiar to many. Two, must make sense with the line of business she created. She said that the reason of breaking down Gemineye into three words on her logo (GEM-IN-EYE) shows for a fact that her main flagship products with be different kinds of lash kits but added the word cosmetics to create an understanding that products will not be limited to lash kits alone but cosmetics in general. Also the name (GEM-IN-EYE) itself explains in a short, straightforward manner how the founder correlated that lashes and diamonds being a girls best friend or are equally paramount. Three, it must be somewhat related to her. It was never her choice to use her name which she said what made it more difficult to name. Being born on May 31, under the Gemini zodiac sign, she immediately thought of it as a perfect name that is totally related to her.
In creating the logo, she said she wanted to use a clean font and a clean icon to which when people see, must again make sense. The astrological Gemini icon, if looked closely is slanted and encircled, making it also look like a drawing of an eye proving its double meaning but completely relevant to what it represents.
Finally, in choosing the brand colors, she opted for black and silver/white plus minimal red color accents. She said aside from the fact that black being her favorite color, it also signifies elegance and sophistication when used in business and that's what she wanted her consumers to feel and experience.

Sherlline also known as “Shey” amongst her friends is a registered nurse and works in the Intensive Care Unit in one of the most renowned hospitals in the whole world located in Los Angeles. She enjoys science and human anatomy at an early age as well arts, crafts and project designing and was awarded in grade school as Best in Arts. She also participated and led various events in her school and at work.
Shey admits that she has always been entrepreneurial even at a young age selling stationary papers, perfumes, bracelets etc. during grade school and high school. She even sold wallets at work. She also tried selling food carts via marketing distributorship at age 24. She admires her grandmother who was a poultry businesswoman and also her aunts who owns and ran businesses.
She is known to be always wearing make-up, enjoys fashionable outfits and loves to express herself in various ways. She once owned a successful small nails salon in her country named “Lavish Polish Nails Salon” at 27 years old before moving to United States.
As of date, she keeps her RN per diem status because it has always been her dream to work in the hospital where she is currently working and said that patient care keeps her grounded. Very few of her colleagues knew her small business and likes to keep it that way as much as possible. She says she appreciates working incognito. She described that her passion with science and running a business are totally two separate entity. She associate this as being a true Gemini as she is. Her duality in her interests keeps her going and what keeps her inspired and motivated.
She has a strong visual plan for Gemineye Cosmetics and very passionate about its products and its elements. With the help of her husband doing most of the digital product and model photographs, she thinks that what makes them a good team. She dreams that one day it will be accessible to wider market where people can get to enjoy the products she enjoys the most and wishes them to feel the same way.